Back from Amsterdam


Just spent a week in one of my favorite cities in the planet. Hadn’t been there for a while. Holland is enjoying the fruits of its hard labor. A country with wonderfully creative and gentle people who know how to enjoy the good things of life. If I had a lot’s of EU’s I would buy a boat house on one of the canals. For now I have set my mind to go to a Harvest Festival in November. I’ll keep you posted.


This account is how I view the world from the perspective of a Czech born in a tropical country, raised by two unique and outstanding czech parents, educated in a liberal American educational system, in a typical New England “prep school” and in liberal arts college in a major american city, and eventually returning to my “tropical” roots.
In 1999 I went on a pilgrimage to the Czech Republic to connect to a culture which I had subtly received from my parents but which was far from concious. What a discovery!!! I learned things about myself, my behaviour, my reactions to people and situations which I intutively connected to the “czech personality” Well, from there on I realized that I viewed the world and in particular this “tropical” world with a unique set of lenses which grant me a vision which I would like to share through this medium: the blog.
I hope you will join in, make your comments and maybe share from your perspective.